Person report

28 Nov 2024

Claus Mortensen Borch


Namereports-male-deceased Claus Mortensen Borchavatar-male
BornAbt. 1539


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Claus Mortensen Borchson44Abt. 1560Bork01 Apr 1604Sønder Bork

World history

06 Jan 1540
King Henry VIII of England married Anne of Cleves, but the marriage was annulled six months later.

21 Mar 1556
Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, one of the founders of Anglicanism, was burnt at the stake in Oxford, England, for heresy.

03 Apr 1559
Henry II of France and Philip II of Spain signed a treaty to end the Italian War of 1551–1559.

02 May 1559
Scottish clergyman John Knox returned from exile to lead the Scottish Reformation.

14 Apr 1561
In Nuremberg, there was a mass sighting of celestial phenomena where observers described an "aerial battle" between odd-shaped objects.

19 Mar 1563
The Edict of Amboise was signed, ending the first war in the French Wars of Religion and inaugurating a period of official peace that lasted until 1567.

07 Jul 1575
Anglo-Scottish Wars: In the last major battle between England and Scotland, a "Truce Day" at Carter Bar near Redesdale degenerated into a fight where the English side were routed.

17 Dec 1583
Cologne War: Forces under Ernest of Bavaria defeated the troops under Gebhard Truchsess von Waldburg at the Siege of Godesberg.

08 Feb 1587
Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed at Fotheringhay Castle for her involvement in the Babington Plot to murder her cousin, Elizabeth I of England.

12 May 1588
Day of the Barricades: Under the leadership of Henry I, Duke of Guise, Catholic Parisians arose in protest against the moderate policies of Henry III.


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
BirthAbt. 1539
OccupationPræst i Sønder Bork fra 1584 til 1604