Person report

28 Nov 2024

Emilie Jensine Faurschou


Namereports-female-deceased Emilie Jensine Faurschouavatar-female
Born01 Oct 1856
Died22 Mar 1941


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
EWgri8nZIkCv_iE_3ciFTAreports-male-deceased Peter Gottlieb Koch Borchhusband7631 Mar 1843Skjern Hovedgaard10 Aug 1919Randers26 Jun 1876
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Anders Faurschou Borchson5905 Jun 188607 Jan 1946

World history

30 Aug 1862
American Civil War: In separate actions, Confederate forces were victorious in both the Battle of Richmond in Kentucky and the Second Battle of Bull Run in Prince William County, Virginia.

14 Dec 1863
American Civil War: The Battle of Bean's Station, the final battle of the Knoxville campaign, was fought in Grainger County, Tennessee.

28 Mar 1910
Near Martigues, France, French aviator Henri Fabre's Fabre Hydravion became the first seaplane to take off from water under its own power.

31 Mar 1913
Arnold Schoenberg conducted the Vienna Concert Society in a concert of expressionist music that so shocked the audience that they began to riot.

07 Oct 1914
Japan captured Pohnpei from Germany, eventually leading to large-scale Japanese immigration to Micronesia.

09 Nov 1914
World War I: In the Cocos Islands, the Australian light cruiser HMAS Sydney sank SMS Emden, the last active Central Powers warship in the Indian Ocean.

07 Nov 1917
World War I: British forces captured Gaza when the Ottoman garrison abandoned the area.

02 Oct 1928
Spanish priest Josemaría Escrivá founded Opus Dei, a worldwide organization of the Catholic Church.

18 Dec 1932
Playing indoors at Chicago Stadium in Chicago on a modified American football field, the Chicago Bears defeated the Portsmouth Spartans, 9–0, in the first playoff game held by the National Football League.

25 Nov 1936
Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, agreeing that, if the Soviet Union attacked one of them, they would consult each other on what measures to take to "safeguard their common interests".


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
Birth01 Oct 1856
Marriage10 Aug 1885Jægerspris
Death22 Mar 1941