Person report

28 Nov 2024

Helvig Eriksdatter


Namereports-female-deceased Helvig EriksdatterIJrlqiOFoEq797y1OcNiSQ
BornAbt. 1316, Tikøb, Frederiksborg
DiedAbt. 1374, Sønderborg, Schleswig
Parentsreports-male-deceased Hertug Erik Valdemarsen af Sønderjylland
reports-female-deceased Adelheid af Holsten


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Hertug Erik Valdemarsen af Sønderjyllandfather
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Adelheid af Holstenmother
iso_Jw3vbU6502kVenIHSgreports-male-deceased Valdemar IV Atterdaghusband55132024 Oct 1375Gurre
fZ3sCNfh9kaLnHLKkdJvPQreports-female-deceased MARGRETHE I Valdemardatterdaughter5915 Mar 1353Vordingborg slot, Vordingborg28 Oct 1412Flensborg fjord
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Ingeborgdaughter
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Christofferson



World history

23 Jul 1319
A fleet led by the Knights Hospitaller sank 22 of 28 ships of the Turkish Aydınid emirate.

10 Jun 1329
Byzantine–Ottoman wars: A heavily armed imperial force was defeated in the Battle of Pelekanon.

26 Mar 1344
Reconquista: The Muslim city of Algeciras surrendered after a 21-month siege and was incorporated into the Kingdom of Castile.

21 Oct 1345
Hundred Years' War: The English victory at the Battle of Auberoche marked a change in the military balance of power in Aquitaine, with the subsequent collapse of the French position.

19 Sep 1356
Hundred Years' War: English forces led by Edward the Black Prince decisively won the Battle of Poitiers and captured King John II of France.

18 Oct 1356
The most significant earthquake to have occurred in Central Europe in recorded history destroyed Basel, Switzerland, and caused much destruction in a vast region extending into France and Germany.

16 Jan 1362
The Danish settlement of Rungholt was reportedly sunk into the North Sea by a massive windstorm.

17 Apr 1362
Lithuanian Crusade: After a month-long siege, the Teutonic Order captured and destroyed Kaunas Castle in Lithuania.

22 Feb 1371
Robert II became King of Scots as the first monarch of the House of Stuart.

10 Jul 1372
The Treaty of Tagilde was signed between Ferdinand I of Portugal and representatives of John of Gaunt of England, marking the beginning of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance, which remains in effect today.


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
BirthAbt. 1316Tikøb, Frederiksborg
OccupationDronning af Danmark
DeathAbt. 1374Sønderborg, Schleswig