Person report

28 Nov 2024

Ingeborg Catharine Maria Bothilde Fischer


Namereports-female-deceased Ingeborg Catharine Maria Bothilde Fischeravatar-female
Born02 Feb 1860, Aabenraa
Died26 Aug 1896, Vejle


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Søren Ingvard Meinertzhusband13 Oct 1861Sønderho, Fanø
77JmJrH9kU6UHLlF4PbE3Qreports-male-deceased Hans Rasmussen Fischer Meinertzson6123 Dec 1883Vejle30 Oct 1945Vejle02 Jun 1910Vor Frelser Kirke, Esbjerg, Ribe

World history

17 Jun 1861
American Civil War: The Battle of Vienna, Virginia, took place, which involved one of the earliest military movements of troops by train in the world.

31 Dec 1862
American Civil War: The Battle of Stones River in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, began in an engagement where both sides would suffer their highest casualty rates of the war.

05 Feb 1869
Prospectors in Moliagul, Victoria, Australia, discovered the largest alluvial gold nugget ever found, known as the "Welcome Stranger".

27 Oct 1870
Franco-Prussian War: The French Army of the Rhine under François Bazaine was forced to surrender after a nine-week siege of the fortifications of Metz.

01 Jul 1874
The Remington No. 1 went on sale, becoming the first commercially successful typewriter.

21 Jul 1877
During the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, much of central Pittsburgh was burned and looted in the Pittsburgh railway riots.

13 Jul 1881
The Jeannette expedition to reach the North Pole from the Pacific Ocean via the Bering Strait came to an end when the USS Jeannette was finally crushed after having been trapped in ice for two years.

25 Jul 1893
The Corinth Canal, which bisects the narrow Isthmus of Corinth, was formally opened, connecting the Gulf of Corinth with the Aegean Sea's Saronic Gulf.

22 Jul 1894
Jules-Albert de Dion finished first in the world's first motor race, but did not win as his steam-powered car was against the rules.

07 Apr 1896
An Arctic expedition led by Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen reached 86°13.6'N, almost three degrees beyond the previous Farthest North mark.


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
Birth02 Feb 1860Aabenraa
Christening17 Feb 1860Aabenraa Kirke
Death26 Aug 1896Vejle
Burial31 Aug 1895Sct. Nicolai Kirke, Vejle