Person report

28 Nov 2024

Ingeborg Meilvang Meinertz


Namereports-female-deceased Ingeborg Meilvang Meinertzavatar-female
Born05 Feb 1915, Vejle
Died14 Aug 2007, Vejle
Parentsreports-male-deceased Hans Rasmussen Fischer Meinertz
reports-female-deceased Dorthera Pauline Frederikke Meilvang


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
tS3KzpVQykCxY3K1YsGVnAreports-male-deceased Hans Rasmussen Fischer Meinertzfather6123 Dec 1883Vejle30 Oct 1945Vejle02 Jun 1910Vor Frelser Kirke, Esbjerg, Ribe
CT2jp4difkGAXilZZI0SHQreports-female-deceased Dorthera Pauline Frederikke Meilvangmother7113 Sep 188624 Feb 195802 Jun 1910Vor Frelser Kirke, Esbjerg, Ribe
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Robert Meilvang Meinertzbrother6921 Feb 1911Vejle11 Apr 1980
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Torkild Meinertzbrother20 Jan 1919Vejle
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Lis "Putte" Meinertzsister4914 Feb 1931Vejle1981
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Frede Uffe Jensenhusband25/19/190903 Sep 1994Vejle
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Grethe Ulff Meinertz Jensendaughter031 Mar 194608 Aug 1946
avatar-femalereports-female Else-Merethe "Lise" Jensendaughter7617 Mar 1948Mølholm
avatar-malereports-male Peer-Ulff Jensenson7307 Mar 1951Vejle
avatar-malereports-male Claus-Ulff Jensenson6704 May 1957Vejle

World history

03 Jul 1938
On the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Gettysburg, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Eternal Light Peace Memorial.

14 Jan 1943
Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Charles de Gaulle, and Henri Giraud met in Casablanca to plan the Allied European strategy for the next phase of World War II.

22 Dec 1948
The Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia under chairman Sjafruddin Prawiranegara was established to counter Dutch attempts to re-assert colonial control.

20 Jul 1950
Korean War: After a month-long campaign, much of the North Korean air force was destroyed by United Nations forces.

08 Jan 1956
Five Evangelical Christian missionaries from the United States were killed by the Huaorani in the rainforest of Ecuador shortly after making contact with them.

17 Sep 1958
Tintin in Tibet, the twentieth volume of The Adventures of Tintin by the Belgian cartoonist Hergé and which he regarded as his favourite in the series, began serialisation.

30 Jul 1975
American labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa mysteriously disappeared after last being seen outside a restaurant near Detroit.

24 Jul 1980
At the Moscow Olympics, Australia's Quietly Confident Quartet swimming team won the gold medal in the men's 4 x 100 metre medley relay, the only time that the United States, who were boycotting these games, has not won the event at Olympic level.

12 May 1982
The Coppergate Helmet, the best preserved of the six known Anglo-Saxon helmets, was discovered.

05 Jun 1989
An anonymous demonstrator, later dubbed "Tank Man", single-handedly stopped a column of Chinese tanks during the Tiananmen Square protests before being dragged aside.


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
Birth05 Feb 1915Vejle
Christening01 Apr 1915Sct. Nicolai Kirke, Vejle
OccupationOrganist Vejle
Death14 Aug 2007Vejle
Burial24 Aug 2007Mølholm kirke, Vejle