Person report

28 Nov 2024

Jacob Jensen Holm


Namereports-male-deceased Jacob Jensen HolmO7whEdf4BU2ceMfKMdXkpA
Born12 Mar 1543, Viborg
Died29 May 1609, Aalborg
Parentsreports-male-deceased Jens Holm


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Jens Holmfatheromk 1505
MuKpN7mfXUq-CNjYgrYaWAreports-female-deceased Else Pedersdatter Løvenbalkwifeomk 1559Viborg17 May 1591Aalborg
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Elisabeth Pedersdatter Hegelundwife6329 Aug 157701 Mar 1641
pUpkjOlNnk-N890YUWAu8wreports-male-deceased Niels Jacobsen Holmsonomk 15801619Hassing-Villerslev



World history

24 Mar 1550
Hostilities between England and Scotland in the Rough Wooing ended with the signing of the Treaty of Boulogne.

21 Mar 1556
Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, one of the founders of Anglicanism, was burnt at the stake in Oxford, England, for heresy.

17 Jan 1562
Catherine de' Medici, the regent of France, promulgated the Edict of Saint-Germain, providing limited tolerance to the Protestant Huguenots.

26 Jan 1564
Livonian War: A Lithuanian surprise attack resulted in a decisive defeat of the numerically superior Russian forces.

23 Jan 1565
The Deccan sultanates defeated the Vijayanagara Empire at the Battle of Talikota in present-day Karnataka, ending the last great Hindu kingdom in South India.

05 Aug 1583
Explorer Humphrey Gilbert established the first English colony in North America at what is now St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

08 Feb 1587
Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed at Fotheringhay Castle for her involvement in the Babington Plot to murder her cousin, Elizabeth I of England.

01 Sep 1604
The Guru Granth Sahib, the religious text of Sikhism, was installed in the Golden Temple.

05 Nov 1605
The arrest of Guy Fawkes, found during a search of the Palace of Westminster, foiled Robert Catesby's plot to blow up the House of Lords.

30 Jan 1607
Low-lying places around the coasts of the Bristol Channel of Britain were flooded, possibly by a tsunami, resulting in an estimated 2,000 deaths.


Budolfi kirke, Aalborg Domkirke, sakristiet


Mag. Jacobus Johannis Holmius / qvi fuit inclyti Collegii Viburgensium Gymnasiarcha Ca / nonicus & Ecclesiastes fidelis annis 13. Ecclesiarum Vansa / licarum Superintendens vigilantissimus annis 22. Mortuus / 1609. d. 29. Maji æ         tatis 66. Conjux ejus prima Elisa Mag. Petri Theocari, Episcopi Viburgensis filia, 9 / Liberorum Mater, obdormivit 1591. Maji 17. æ         tat. 32. U / xor altera Elisabetha Petri Hegelund, Con / sulis & Canonici Ripensis filia Mater obiit 1641 / Mart. Æ         t. 64.


Oversæ         ttelse: Magister Jacob (Jensen) Holm som var rektor ved den navnkundige Viborg Skole, domherre og tro præ         st i 13 å         r, dernæ         st Vendelbo Stifts å         rvå         gne tilsynsmand i 22 å         r, dø         de 29. maj 1609, 66 å         r gl. Hans fø         rste hustru var Else, (Elisa Pedersdatter Thø         gersen) datter af magister Peder Thø         gersen, biskop i Viborg. Hun var moder til 9 bø         rn og dø         de 17. maj 1591, 32 å         r gl. Hans anden hustru var Elisabeth, (Pedersdatter Hegelund) datter af Peder Hegelund, borgmester og domherre i Ribe. Hun v

ar moder til ?? (4 bø         rn) og dø         de 1. marts 1641, 64 å         r gl.

Det er altså          en mindeplade over biskop Jacob Jensen Holm.

På          den store pille mod syd - ind mod midterskibet - over "biskoppens stol" ses hans epitafium. <../hovedskib/epitafier/holm.php>

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FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
Birth12 Mar 1543Viborg
OccupationBiskob i Aalborg
Death29 May 1609Aalborg (3).