Person report
28 Nov 2024
Jacob Jensen Holm
Name | Jacob Jensen Holm | |
Age | 66 | |
Born | 12 Mar 1543, Viborg | |
Died | 29 May 1609, Aalborg | |
Parents | Jens Holm |
Image | Name | Relationship to current person | Age | Birth date | Birth place | Death date | Death place | First marriage date | First marriage place |
Jens Holm | father | omk 1505 | |||||||
Else Pedersdatter Løvenbalk | wife | omk 1559 | Viborg | 17 May 1591 | Aalborg | ||||
Elisabeth Pedersdatter Hegelund | wife | 63 | 29 Aug 1577 | 01 Mar 1641 | |||||
Niels Jacobsen Holm | son | omk 1580 | 1619 | Hassing-Villerslev |
World history
★24 Mar 1550
Hostilities between England and Scotland in the Rough Wooing ended with the signing of the Treaty of Boulogne.
★21 Mar 1556
Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, one of the founders of Anglicanism, was burnt at the stake in Oxford, England, for heresy.
★17 Jan 1562
Catherine de' Medici, the regent of France, promulgated the Edict of Saint-Germain, providing limited tolerance to the Protestant Huguenots.
★26 Jan 1564
Livonian War: A Lithuanian surprise attack resulted in a decisive defeat of the numerically superior Russian forces.
★23 Jan 1565
The Deccan sultanates defeated the Vijayanagara Empire at the Battle of Talikota in present-day Karnataka, ending the last great Hindu kingdom in South India.
★05 Aug 1583
Explorer Humphrey Gilbert established the first English colony in North America at what is now St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
★08 Feb 1587
Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed at Fotheringhay Castle for her involvement in the Babington Plot to murder her cousin, Elizabeth I of England.
★01 Sep 1604
The Guru Granth Sahib, the religious text of Sikhism, was installed in the Golden Temple.
★05 Nov 1605
The arrest of Guy Fawkes, found during a search of the Palace of Westminster, foiled Robert Catesby's plot to blow up the House of Lords.
★30 Jan 1607
Low-lying places around the coasts of the Bristol Channel of Britain were flooded, possibly by a tsunami, resulting in an estimated 2,000 deaths.
Budolfi kirke, Aalborg Domkirke, sakristiet
Mag. Jacobus Johannis Holmius / qvi fuit inclyti Collegii Viburgensium Gymnasiarcha Ca / nonicus & Ecclesiastes fidelis annis 13. Ecclesiarum Vansa / licarum Superintendens vigilantissimus annis 22. Mortuus / 1609. d. 29. Maji æ tatis 66. Conjux ejus prima Elisa Mag. Petri Theocari, Episcopi Viburgensis filia, 9 / Liberorum Mater, obdormivit 1591. Maji 17. æ tat. 32. U / xor altera Elisabetha Petri Hegelund, Con / sulis & Canonici Ripensis filia Mater obiit 1641 / Mart. Æ t. 64.
Oversæ ttelse: Magister Jacob (Jensen) Holm som var rektor ved den navnkundige Viborg Skole, domherre og tro præ st i 13 å r, dernæ st Vendelbo Stifts å rvå gne tilsynsmand i 22 å r, dø de 29. maj 1609, 66 å r gl. Hans fø rste hustru var Else, (Elisa Pedersdatter Thø gersen) datter af magister Peder Thø gersen, biskop i Viborg. Hun var moder til 9 bø rn og dø de 17. maj 1591, 32 å r gl. Hans anden hustru var Elisabeth, (Pedersdatter Hegelund) datter af Peder Hegelund, borgmester og domherre i Ribe. Hun v
ar moder til ?? (4 bø rn) og dø de 1. marts 1641, 64 å r gl.
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Fact | Details | Date | Place | Address | Cause | Responsible agency | Notes | Citations |
Birth | 12 Mar 1543 | Viborg | ||||||
Occupation | Biskob i Aalborg | |||||||
Marriage | ||||||||
Marriage | ||||||||
Death | 29 May 1609 | Aalborg | (3). |