Person report

28 Nov 2024

Jens Sophus Erhardsen Borch


Namereports-male-deceased Jens Sophus Erhardsen Borchavatar-male
Born15 Apr 1805, Boller
Parentsreports-male-deceased Erhardt Borch
reports-female-deceased Martha Gylding


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
m2OIK1xQREutQ2griIxG7Areports-male-deceased Erhardt Borchfather32177818101798
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Martha Gyldingmother77177818551798
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Niels Borchbrother8317981881
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Elise Marie Borchsister6618001866
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Niels Gylding Borchbrother8518031888
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Anton Erhardsen Borchbrother7909 May 1806Boller1886
Q5BXZ5AvO0KkPY7gczp3dAreports-male-deceased Frederik Erhardsen Borchbrother6023 Oct 1807Boller14 Oct 1868Skjern22 Oct 1833Borgmestergården,Århus
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Anne Catrine Borchsister5411 Nov 180805 Aug 1863
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Elisa Regina Thomsenwife7118041875
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Martha Cathrine Borchdaughter418341838
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Erhard Andreas Borchson6918341903
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Andreas Geert Geelmuyden Borchson6218351897
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Anine Elise Sophie Borchdaughter8218371919
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Carl Sophus Borchson7924 Sep 183809 Jan 1918
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Martin Reginald Borchson4718481895

World history

11 Apr 1809
Napoleonic Wars: A hastily assembled Royal Navy fleet launched an assault against the main strength of the French Atlantic Fleet, which resulted in political turmoil in both England and France.

16 Oct 1813
The Sixth Coalition attacked French forces led by Napoleon in the Battle of Leipzig, the largest conflict in the Napoleonic Wars, with over 500,000 troops involved.

05 Nov 1828
Greek War of Independence: The French Morea expedition to recapture Morea ended when the last Ottoman forces departed the peninsula.

24 Nov 1832
South Carolina passed the Ordinance of Nullification, declaring that the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were null and void in the state, beginning the Nullification Crisis.

15 May 1836
English astronomer Francis Baily first observed "Baily's beads", a phenomenon during a solar eclipse in which the rugged lunar limb topography allows beads of sunlight to shine through.

06 Aug 1861
Under the threat of military bombardment, Dosunmu, Oba of Lagos, ceded the island of Lagos to British forces.

10 Feb 1862
American Civil War: A Union naval flotilla destroyed the bulk of the Confederate Mosquito Fleet in the Battle of Elizabeth City on the Pasquotank River in North Carolina.

13 Aug 1868
A major earthquake near Arica, Peru, caused an estimated 25,000 casualties, and the subsequent tsunami caused considerable damage as far away as Hawaii and New Zealand.

18 Jan 1871
A number of independent German states unified into the German Empire, with Prussian King Wilhelm I being proclaimed as its first Emperor.

05 Jan 1875
The Palais Garnier opera house in Paris was formally inaugurated.


Farher to the tree called: Kolling Borch'er


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
Birth15 Apr 1805Boller (1).
Christening07 Jun 1805