Person report

28 Nov 2024

Karen Faurschou Stenz


Namereports-female-deceased Karen Faurschou Stenzavatar-female
Born14 Sep 1908, Råsted
Died16 May 2019, Plejecenter Møllegården
Parentsreports-male-deceased Søren Stenz
reports-female-deceased Vilhelmine Botilla


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Søren Stenzfatherblev 57 år
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Vilhelmine Botillamother2818831911
avatar-femalereports-female Agnes Faurschou Stenzsister
avatar-femalereports-female Johanne Faurschou Stenzsister
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Arne Egestadwife (divorced)8519061991på hans 85års fødselsdag,Hadsten1935Østergade 39,Hadsten

World history

16 Mar 1918
Finnish Civil War: The Whites were victorious in the Battle of Länkipohja, after which they executed at least 70 Reds.

13 Dec 1937
Second Sino-Japanese War: Japanese forces captured Nanking in China and then began to commit numerous atrocities over the next several weeks.

03 Jul 1938
On the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Gettysburg, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Eternal Light Peace Memorial.

12 Dec 1939
The Royal Navy destroyer HMS Duchess collided with HMS Barham, the battleship she was escorting, and sank with heavy loss of life.

11 Mar 1941
World War II: The Lend-Lease Act was signed into law, allowing the United States to supply the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied nations with vast amounts of war materiel.

26 Apr 1941
Boris Kidrič and Edvard Kardelj founded the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation, the main anti-fascist Slovene civil-resistance and political organization during World War II.

06 Mar 1943
World War II: National Liberation Front forces defeated Italian occupiers in the Battle of Fardykambos, a major sign of the Greek Resistance's growth.

14 May 1948
David Ben-Gurion publicly read the Israeli Declaration of Independence at the present-day Independence Hall in Tel Aviv, officially establishing the state of Israel in parts of the former British Mandate of Palestine.

23 Jan 1957
American inventor Fred Morrison sold the rights to his "flying disc" to the Wham-O toy company, who later renamed it the "Frisbee".

11 Oct 1975
The American weekly sketch comedy–variety show Saturday Night Live was broadcast for the first time.


Karens kusine er gift med Lundberg fra Maltfabrikken i Ebeltoft.

Fik 6 bø         rn  skriver:"Karen Egestad i Hadsten fyldte 110 å         r 14 sep 2018 og dø         de 16 maj 2019 som næ         stæ         ldste i live i Danmark. Hun fø         dtes i Rå         sted sogn nord for Randers med pigenavnet Stenz og boede en stor del af livet i Ø         stergade, Hadsten, hvor manden Arne drev

 forretning som El-installatø         r."


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
Birth14 Sep 1908Råsted
Marriage1935Østergade 39,Hadsten
OccupationPlejecenter Møllegården Østervangsvej 60, C,116 Hadsten
Death16 May 2019Plejecenter Møllegården