Person report

28 Nov 2024

Poul Christian Ulrik Ernst Tøttrup


Namereports-male-deceased Poul Christian Ulrik Ernst Tøttrupavatar-male
Parentsreports-male-deceased Poul Ulrik Ernst Tøttrup
reports-female-deceased Petrine Christensen Horn


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Poul Ulrik Ernst Tøttrupfather6518901955
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Petrine Christensen Hornmother1889
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Anna Hørningwife8119222003
5QQq1KAIwUqcBVm9DIj03wreports-male Per Tøttrupson7515 Oct 194902 Dec 1995

World history

12 Jul 1918
An explosion in the ammunition magazine of the Japanese battleship Kawachi resulted in the loss of over 600 officers and crewmen.

23 Jun 1926
The College Board administered the first SAT, a major standardized test for university and college admissions in the United States.

23 Mar 1931
Bhagat Singh, one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement, and two others were executed by British authorities.

27 Jul 1942
Second World War: Allied forces halted the Axis invasion of Egypt.

19 Feb 1948
The Southeast Asian Youth Conference, which is believed to have inspired armed communist rebellions in different Asian countries, opened in Calcutta, India.

06 Feb 1952
Elizabeth II ascended to the thrones of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and three other Commonwealth countries upon the death of her father, George VI.

14 Sep 1960
At a conference held in Baghdad, the governments of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela founded OPEC to help unify and coordinate their petroleum policies.

21 Aug 1963
The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces raided and vandalised Buddhist pagodas across the country, arresting thousands and leaving hundreds dead.

08 Dec 1963
After being struck by lightning while in a holding pattern, Pan Am Flight 214 crashed near Elkton, Maryland, U.S., killing all 81 people on board.

01 Aug 1966
Charles Whitman climbed the University of Texas at Austin tower and went on a shooting spree at the school, killing 10 people before being shot and killed by police.


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