Person report

28 Nov 2024

Poul Ulrich Ernst Tøttrup


Namereports-male-deceased Poul Ulrich Ernst Tøttrupavatar-male
Parentsreports-male-deceased Thorvald Christian Tøttrup
reports-female-deceased Frederikke Ferdinandine Steenberg


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Thorvald Christian Tøttrupfather88182419 Jun 191226 Apr 1846
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Frederikke Ferdinandine Steenbergmother73182729 Aug 190026 Apr 1846
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Claudiane Tøttrupsister3525 Feb 184924 Dec 1884Tuberkulose,Karmark26 Jun 1876
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Charles Tøtrupbrother
avatar-femalereports-female-deceased Kirstine Marie Thorupwife6718601927
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Poul Ulrik Ernst Tøttrupson6518901955

World history

12 May 1863
American Civil War: The Confederates were routed in the Battle of Raymond, a small battle that had an inordinately large impact on the Vicksburg Campaign.

03 Jul 1863
Pickett's Charge, a futile Confederate infantry assault against Union Army positions, occurred during the final and bloodiest day of fighting in the Battle of Gettysburg, marking a turning point in the American Civil War.

25 Oct 1864
American Civil War: During Price's Missouri Expedition, Union troops defeated Sterling Price's Confederate army in three successive battles: Marais des Cygnes, Mine Creek, and Marmiton River.

21 Feb 1866
Lucy Hobbs Taylor became the first woman to receive a doctorate from a dental college.

23 Sep 1868
Ramón Emeterio Betances led the Grito de Lares, a revolt against Spanish rule in Puerto Rico.

03 Jun 1892
Liverpool F.C., one of England's most successful football clubs, was founded.

07 Mar 1900
The German ocean liner SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse became the first ship to send a wireless telegraph message to an onshore receiver.

20 Jun 1900
Boxer Rebellion: The Imperial Chinese Army began a 55-day siege of the Legation Quarter in Beijing.

11 Apr 1908
Blücher, the last armored cruiser built by the Imperial German Navy, was launched.

21 May 1911
Mexican President Porfirio Díaz and the revolutionary Francisco Madero signed the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez to end the fighting between the forces of both men, concluding the initial phase of the Mexican Revolution.


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
OccupationDrev gård i Bjerregrav og var Sparekassedirektør Randers