Person report
28 Nov 2024
Sven Tveskæg konge af Danmark
Name | Sven Tveskæg konge af Danmark | |
Age | 51 | |
Born | 0963 | |
Died | Feb 1014, Gainborugh, England | |
Parents | Harald i Blåtand Blåtand Tove af Danmark |
Image | Name | Relationship to current person | Age | Birth date | Birth place | Death date | Death place | First marriage date | First marriage place |
Harald i Blåtand Blåtand | father | 57 | Abt. 0930 | 0987 | Jomsborg | ||||
Tove af Danmark | mother | Abt. 0970 | |||||||
Gunhild (Polen) | wife | 44 | Abt. 0970 | Polen | Abt. 1014 | ||||
Estrid Svendsdatter | daughter | ||||||||
Knud 1. den Store | son | ||||||||
Harald 2. | son | ||||||||
Estrid | daughter |
World history
★06 Dec 0963
Pope Leo VIII began his papacy as antipope of Rome.
★14 Apr 0966
Mieszko I, ruler of the Polans, converted to Christianity, an event considered to be the founding of the Polish state.
★10 Jan 0976
After the death of his guardian John I Tzimiskes, Basil II acceded to the throne as effective ruler and senior emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
★17 Aug 0986
Byzantine–Bulgarian wars: The Bulgarians defeated Byzantine forces at the Gate of Trajan near present-day Ihtiman, with Emperor Basil II barely escaping.
★19 Jul 0998
Arab–Byzantine wars: After an initial Byzantine victory in the Battle of Apamea, a lone Kurdish rider managed to kill Byzantine commander Damian Dalassenos, allowing Fatimid troops to turn the tide of the battle.
★30 Dec 0999
In Ireland, the combined forces of Munster and Meath crushed a rebellion by Leinster and Dublin.
★17 Mar 1001
The Song Shi recorded a tributary mission from the Rajahnate of Butuan, centered on the Philippine island of Mindanao, to the Song dynasty of China.
★13 Nov 1002
King Æthelred II ordered the massacre of all Danes in England.
★30 Apr 1006
SN 1006, the brightest supernova in recorded history, first appeared in the constellation Lupus.
★09 Mar 1009
The first known record of the name of Lithuania appeared in an entry in the annals of the Quedlinburg Abbey in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Svend 1. Tveskæ g lever op til de bedste tegneserieforestillinger om en rigtig vikingekonge. Han kom til magten ved et kup, som tog livet af hans far, og i sin regeringstid var han konstant på farten og i krig.
Fø rst og fremmest var det England, der havde hans interesse. Efter en ræ kke å r med vikingetogter og plyndringer kunne han i 1013 erobre hele landet. Inden da havde han desuden genvundet kontrollen over Norge efter sø slaget mod Olav Tryggvarson ved ø en Svold.
Det er da også primæ rt som krigerkonge, at Sven huskes, men vi kender ham også som den fø rste danske konge, der slog mø nt med eget navn på . Mø nterne var dog uden portræ t, så de kan ikke fortæ lle os om Svens udseende og det skæ g, der tilsyneladende har givet ham tilnavnet.
Sven nå ede ikke at få megen glæ de af erobringen af England. Han dø de nemlig å ret efter og blev i fø rste omgang begravet i domkirken i York i England, men blev senere fø rt til Roskilde.
Fact | Details | Date | Place | Address | Cause | Responsible agency | Notes | Citations |
Birth | 0963 | |||||||
Marriage | ||||||||
Death | Feb 1014 | Gainborugh, England |