Person report

28 Nov 2024

nger Harbom


Namereports-female-deceased nger Harbomavatar-female
Born20 May 1916
Died16 Jun 1975, Lausanne, Schweitz


ImageNameRelationship to current personAgeBirth dateBirth placeDeath dateDeath placeFirst marriage dateFirst marriage place
avatar-malereports-male-deceased Kay Borchhusband7925 Dec 1910København15 Jan 1990Lausanne
avatar-malereports-male Jens Borchson831941
avatar-femalereports-female Birgitte Borchdaughter811943

World history

29 Aug 1916
The United States Congress passed the Philippine Autonomy Act, the first formal and official declaration of the U.S. commitment to grant independence to the Philippines.

14 Dec 1918
In the 1918 United Kingdom general election women over thirty were permitted to vote, making it the first British election with female voters.

26 Dec 1919
American baseball player Babe Ruth was sold by the Boston Red Sox to their rivals, the New York Yankees, starting the 84-year-long "Curse of the Bambino".

25 Oct 1924
The Daily Mail published the Zinoviev letter, purportedly a directive from Moscow to increase communist agitation, pushing the Conservative Party to a landslide victory in the UK general election four days later.

06 May 1937
The German zeppelin Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during an attempt to dock at Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey, killing 36 people.

30 Aug 1942
Second World War: Erwin Rommel launched the last major Axis offensive of the Western Desert Campaign, attacking the British Eighth Army's position near El Alamein, Egypt.

08 Jun 1950
Thomas Blamey became the only Australian to attain the rank of field marshal.

27 Jun 1954
Jacobo Árbenz resigned the presidency of Guatemala following a CIA led coup against his administration.

18 May 1965
Eli Cohen, a spy who is credited with gathering significant intelligence for Israel in the Six-Day War against Syria, was publicly hanged after having been captured four months earlier.

14 Jan 1970
The self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra in southeastern Nigeria surrendered, ending the Nigerian Civil War.


FactDetailsDatePlaceAddressCauseResponsible agencyNotesCitations
Birth20 May 1916
Death16 Jun 1975Lausanne, Schweitz