- Partnership with: Kirsten GREEN
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Birth: 1 MAY 1591, Lemvig
- Death: 9 DEC 1671, Lemvig
- Birth: 20 JUL 1947, Frederiksberg
- Occupation: Direktionssekretær, Kronborg,Helsingør
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Birth: 18 JUL 1920, Aalborg
- Occupation: Boghandler,AÌŠrhus
- Death: 11 FEB 1990, Aarhus
- Partnership with: Else MEILVANG
Marriage: 14 NOV 1953, Kristrup,Randers
- Birth: 19 DEC 1924
- Death: 20 JUL 2011
- Birth: 23 MAY 1682, Aarhus
- Death: 1750
- Partnership with: Oluf WORM
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
- Birth: 20 JUL 1916
- Occupation: Landsretssagfører
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Birth: (Date and Place unknown)
- Birth: 1665
- Death: 21 MAY 1759, Viborg
- Birth: 13 MAR 1918
- Death: 2002
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
- Birth: 1748
- Death: 8 JUL 1826, Aarhus
- Partnership with: Kirsten DONS
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Inge Vibeke
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Per HASLEV
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Birth: 23 NOV 1902
- Occupation: Bankdirektør,Allingåbro
- Death: 25 FEB 1989
- Partnership with: Bert
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Markus BERGER
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Lene
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Poul HABER
Marriage: 4 NOV 1945, Gyrstinge Kirke
- Father: Unknown
- Birth: (Date and Place unknown)
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Ruth
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Father: Unknown
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Unknown
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Father: Unknown
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Else
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Grethe
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Occupation: Noget med Chr. 9 hushof
- Death: 1943
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Father: Simon Lindtner BORGER
- Mother: Else Marie DAHL
- Birth: 1790, Vejle
- Christening: 14 FEB 1790, Vejle
- Occupation: Skomager,daglejer ved havnen
- Death: 15 MAY 1837, Vejle
- Burial: 23 MAY 1837, Vejle
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Kirsten BORCH
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Birth: 6 SEP 1870
- Occupation: Belysningsdir.,Aarhus
- Death: 14 JUL 1935
- Birth: 17 DEC 1874
- Death: 15 NOV 1941